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  • Ploughing Championship Accommodation

Ploughing Championship Accommodation

Widely referred to as "the Ploughing Match" or simply "the Ploughing" this is rural Ireland's biggest annual event by far. In 2019 the 88th National Ploughing Championship will be held in Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co. Carlow from September 17th – 19th. Accommodation near the ploughing will be booked long in advance by traders and we expect people for further afield to come stay at Croan Cottages to visit the ploughing.

Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co. Carlow is approximately 30 minutes from Croan Cottages. 

Nominally a contest pitting the skills of international ploughmen against each other it is also a massive trade show, with livestock and machinery exhibitions, trade stalls, craft stalls, vintage motors and even fashion shows, home entertainment, interior design and art exhibitions.

ploughing championship accommodation

All Ireland is there, and they are not deterred by rain or hail, coming in their tens of thousands whatever the weather. The event not only attracts the farming community but also a huge cross-section of people including overseas visitors and really does have something for everyone.

The ploughing competitions themselves are fascinating to watch, with an incredible level of skill in evidence as competitors vie to impress the judges with the straightness and perfection of their furrows. The horse-drawn plough classes draw huge crowds to enjoy the now rare site of massive powerful horses working happily and in harmony with their owners.

If you plan to attend, get there early. Its impossible to emphasise enough how big a crowd will attend and the resulting traffic chaos worsens as the day progresses.


accommodation for the ploughing championship

To book accommodation at Croan Cottages for the Ploughing Championships, please call or email us.

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Geoff & Paddie County Down

We stayed in one of your cottages for 10 days ending a couple of weeks ago. Paddie and I both enjoyed our stay immensely and with her daughter's wedding taking place at Mount Juliett the location was

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