Now that we’ve changed our website theme to Winter, it seems appropriate to reflect on 2013 here at Croan. The cold Spring seemed to go on a little too long, but we were rewarded with a long, hot Summer that will long be remembered. Volleyball on the lawn, beach days, sailing trips, canoe excursions, fishing in Mount Juliet followed by lazy barbeque evenings with the day’s catch – every day brought new adventures, memories and plans for next year!
The Autumn was equally pleasant: warm, bright days and mild evenings, making the transition to Winter so much easier. It’s only in the last week or so that we have had some storms, so the gardens remain in good shape. We’re still harvesting leeks, beetroot, chard, fennel and carrots. It’s a lovely end to a really great gardening year.
The hot days and warm nights of Summer ensured bumper crops of strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb and tomatoes right into early Autumn. We even managed to ripen figs outdoors for the first time ever. Orchard fruits grew in abundance and we managed to grow the hugest pumpkins ever (which, of course, we carved for Halloween!). As our various species of apple and pear finish fruiting, we’re beginning to prune and shape for next year, including some espaliers against the stone wall to encourage ripening for next season.
Aside from our fruit and vegetables, we got together with a local specialist primrose breeder and have planted hundreds of plants in our hedgerows and borders to supplement and compliment our Spring bulbs. We can’t wait to see how they turn out!
The other big addition to the grounds has been an all weather table tennis table which can also be used to seat large groups for eating outdoors. In conjunction with the Boules court and croquet lawn, we’ve already seen some furious competitions taking place! |
Spring brought some lovely new additions to our animal family, with Sheep the ewe safely delivering triplet lambs, and a new Angus calf to keep Bo company. We were sad to lose our chickens in a fox attack in the early Summer, but thanks to some very generous local poultry fanciers, we gathered eggs from a wide range of species and hatched out 10 new hens and a Welsomer cockerel who’s only just found his voice. He sounds remarkably like a teenage boy whose voice is breaking, but he’ll soon get the hang of it. We’ve also become home to a young cock pheasant who’s taken up residence in the small field on the driveway. Let’s hope he makes it through the shooting season! Bella and Poppy remain in great health, despite their advancing years and are looking forward to Christmas dinner.