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Share on FacebookThe first Smallholder Gathering, in conjunction with @SmallholdersIRL & @SmallholdersUK was hosted by Croan Cottages at the 10th Savour Kilkenny Food Festival, 2016
We were delighted to host the inaugural UK & Ireland Smallholders Gathering at one of Ireland’s best known food festivals this October. This event brought together Smallholders from all over Ireland and the UK to meet, share their experiences and to learn from each other.
Over the Savour Kilkenny weekend, there were 15 workshops, demonstrations and discussions covering all aspects of living ‘the Good Life’ as a Smallholder.
As well as a great opportunity for established Smallholders to meet, the event was also an opportunity for those considering self provision to hear from people who actually do it. While embarking on the smallholding journey can seem like a pipe dream, or too daunting a challenge to many, we wanted to share the benefit of our experience to inspire others to take the plunge in adopting a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
We owe a huge Thank You to the contributors to all of the sessions, especially to those who brought their animals along and to those who came over from the UK.
The Workshops included:
Virtually all of the workshops were Free of Charge!